Project Name | Principal | Year | Sizes & Joints | Quantity (km) |
Fishermans Place | Power and Water Corporation | 2019 | 257, 337 SSJ | 0.4 |
Bargot Rd to Parap Trunk main | Power and Water Corporation | 2015 | 660&559&508&419 / RRJ&SSJ&PE | 2 |
Howard Springs Rd Watermain | Power and Water Corporation | 2013 | 660 / RRJ&PE | 1.5 |
Lambrick & Roystonea Avenue | Power and Water Corporation | 2010 | 813&660 / SSJ&RRJ | 6 |
CBD Esplanade Water Main | Power and Water Corporation | 2009 | 508 / SSJ&RRJ | 2 |
Palmerston Pipeline | Power and Water Corporation | 2008 | 1067&813 / RRJ&SSJ | 4.1 |
Howard Springs Pipeline | Power and Water Corporation | 2001 | 813 / RRJ&SSJ | 10.5 |
Palmerston Water Supply | Power and Water Authority N.T | 1994 | 800 & 1067OD Sintakote MSCL Pipe | 5.6 |